from the editor

6 Results

#03: Desire Lines

From The EditorIssue Three of Wonderground explores the ways in which lives are shaped by both desire and line. We’re exploring ideas of ecosexuality and Derek Jarman’s garden, mapping flight paths, meandering along desire lines, tracing the story of Nikolai Vavilov, using desire as a design tool, and holding tight to the rope stretched across the deep.

Explainer: The Planthunter is now Wonderground

From The EditorWhat? Where has the Planthunter gone?! Find out more, here.

Introduction: Wonderground Issue One

CultureAn introduction to the inaugural issue of Wonderground journal, by editor Georgina Reid.

Introduction: Wonderground Issue Two

UncategorizedAn introduction to Wonderground Issue Two, by editor Georgina Reid.

Wonderground Journal: Infrequently Asked Questions

CulturePre-Order your copy of Wonderground Journal now!


CultureA note from The Planthunter editor Georgina Reid.