53 Results
Grow Your own Floral Wonderland
GardensJac Semmler's practical guide to playing with colour, light, texture and flowers in the garden.
Audacious Gardening: On Daring to Care
GardensTo be a gardener is to care deeply, inclusively and audaciously for the world outside our homes and our heads.
Hot Tips: Planting, Transplanting and Dividing Plants
How-ToOur horticultural queen Jac Semmler has a guide to planting, transplanting and dividing plants - the perfect Autumn garden job!
River Garden Diaries: An Aesthetic of Care
Culture, GardensGeorgina Reid explores explore an aesthetic of care that moves beyond the human as source and beneficiary of action. A de-centring of human desire in the garden.
Gardening as Surrender
PeopleA conversation with garden designer and author Richard Unsworth of Garden Life.
Transformative Landscapes: Wild Yards Project
GardensCreate a biodiverse, beautiful and compassionate garden, wherever you live.
Decolonising a Caribbean Garden
GardensGardener and artist Ernesto Pujol on designing and tending a decolonised Puerto Rico garden.
Soils of Substance: A Guide by Jac Semmler
How-ToOur resident horticultural expert digs deep (geddit?) into the science of good garden soil.
Kate Seddon’s Glorious Gardens
Art & Design, GardensMeet Kate Seddon, a Melbourne landscape designer with a penchant for plants.
How-To: Propagate Plants Using Soft-Tip Cuttings
Botanica, How-ToGo maximal plant! Learn how take soft-tip cuttings with horticultural expert Jac Semmler.
River Garden Diaries: The Mind is a Garden
CultureGeorgina Reid explores the relationship between gardening the earth and the mind.
Saving Seeds With Jac Semmler, Seed Queen
Botanica, How-ToSave those seeds! Jac Semmler will show you how.
Colleen Southwell’s Art Grows From the Garden
Art & Design"I am unashamedly hoping to create work that is beautiful, contemplative and uplifting. I want it to speak, but with an optimistic, inquisitive and gentle voice."
Plant / Life: Will Studd’s Edible Wonderland
GardensInternational cheese man Will Studd is a VERY passionate vegetable gardener.
Landscape Architecture and the Garden
Art & DesignLandscape architect Bede Brennan explores the sometimes fraught relationship between landscape architecture and gardening.
Beauty and Courage: Thoughts on Life, Gardens and the Human Spirit
Culture, GardensThere is a garden near artist Katherine Throne's home that borders on bedlam...
River Garden Diaries: All Prospect, No Refuge
GardensWhat to do with a windy garden?
From Control to Connection: A New Ethos of Care
CultureAn essay by Georgina Reid exploring an alternate way to care.
“Only Bulldozing the Rubbish”: A Meditation on the Beauty of Chaos
GardensBill Bampton explores the human desire to make chaos conform.
Nostalgia in the Garden: Help, Hindrance or Somewhere in Between?
GardensA survey of garden designers and makers on the subject of nostalgia.
David and Sheila: A Pair of Extraordinary Gardeners
GardensBede Brennan's grandparents are the most remarkable gardeners he knows.
Over the Fence: On Marsupials and Garden Making
GardensHow does a fence change the way we interact with a garden/landscape?
Gardener with a Capital G: How Words Shape Values
CultureAn essay by Jennifer Jewell on valuing, and encouraging, gardeners.
River Garden Diaries: Austerity, Abundance and an Empty Idea
GardensOn uncovering the heart of a garden.
Bob Griffin: “Go Forth my Young Writing Warrior”
PeopleBob Griffin was a gardener and nurseryman whose words and way of being helped shape The Planthunter.
Writing and Wombating: a Chat with Jackie French
PeopleFreya Latona catches up with the beloved Australian author, ecologist and gardener.
The Way of the Gardener
CultureWe're killing our world. This is why love, and gardening, matters.
Women of Plants: Amanda Woodhams
PeopleAmanda is an incredibly passionate tree woman, horticulturalist and dahlia lover.
Ecosexuality: Earth as Lover, not Mother
CultureBe an ecosexual. Love the earth.
Animals, Anxiety and the Garden: A Heartfelt Tale
PeopleA personal story by artist and gardener Clare James about the role animals have played in helping manage her anxiety.
Arthur Parkinson Esq. is a Pottery Gardener and Hen Aficionado
PeopleMeet Arthur Parkinson - a man with a passion for chickens, gardens and growing, flowers and Joanna Lumley.
The Human Animal and the Garden. Why?
CultureWhat drives us to create gardens?
Forgotten Garden Corners
BotanicaA tale of mysterious and forgotten spaces in suburban gardens!
Murder in the Garden!
CultureDid you know there's an entire literary sub-genre devoted to crime in the garden?!
Gutter Talk with Adam Robinson
PeopleA chat about wellbeing, anxiety, and the power of plants with landscape designer Adam Robinson.
On Identity and Gardening
CultureNatasha Grogan found her true identity in the garden.
Gardening is Not a Rational Act
Art & DesignAn exhibition exploring the relationship between art and gardens is popping up at Abbotsford Convent this spring.
Clare James is the Thriftiest Gardener
GardensYou can't always buy what you want, according to Clare.
Dirty Nails Survey: Graham Ross
PeopleWe find out whats under the grandfather of Australian gardening's nails.
Dirty Nails Survey: Wendy Reid
PeopleA chat with The Planthunter grandmother.
Anxiety and the Garden
CultureA gardening tool kit to help prune anxiety.
Simon Rickard is a Player
PeopleMeet Simon Rickard - baroque bassoonist, passionate gardener and duck fancier.
Put your Bee Goggles on!
HarvestBeekeeper Doug Purdie has written a new book - The Bee Friendly Garden. It's a winner.
Tulita the Plant Truck Interviews her Driver. What?!
CultureEach week Tulita the plant truck prowls the streets of NYC, driven by leafy lady Christan Summers.
The Plant Society: A Network for Plant Lovers
CultureMelbourne rare plant collector and architect Jason Chongue is having a plant party and you're invited!
The Manscape: Edible Flowers For Sinners
BotanicaRedeem your sins with a bunch of edible flowers!
Renting and Gardening: Should You Commit?
CultureShould you make a garden in a rental property? Of course you should. Here's why.
Kids DIY: Make a Coral Reef Garden
How-ToLinda Ross shares a playful, planty, kids project.
Scratch-n-Sniff: Fragrant Plants For Your Garden
BotanicaLinda Ross on her favourite fragrant garden plants. And dill pickle scented scratch-n-sniff stickers.....
My Mum’s Garden is a Bee Hotel
BotanicaA wonderful story by Sally Wilson on her mum's passion for the blue banded bee.
The Dirt: Nick Ritar
Harvest, PeopleAn interview with Milkwood Permaculture co-founder Nick Ritar about murdering plants, food ethics and connection.
Growing A Green Thumb: Part 1
How-ToBlack thumbs don’t exist. Nor do green thumbs. Thumbs are generally pinkish coloured and everyones’ looks the…
A Beautiful, Purposeful Anarchy
GardensA gorgeous and heartfelt story by artist Genevieve Carrol about her wild garden in Hill End and the shelter it has provided her.