
6 Results

Fabric Dyeing with Algae: A Watery New Frontier

CultureDyeing fabric with algae? Yep, it's happening.

Interview: Raquel Trejo of Margarite & Rosa

PeopleRaquel Trejo is a biodynamic farmer, natural dyer, and maker of kids clothes adults want to wear.

The Eucalpyt: Medicine & Magic

CultureThe medicinal/magical powers of the Australian Eucalptus tree, as discovered by Ferdinand von Mueller and explored by natural dyer India Flint.

India Flint: The Botanical Alchemist

PeopleIndia Flint is a botanical alchemist. She dips, dyes and weaves magic into fabrics she…

Adventures With Sour Sobs & Lichen

CultureI grew up in the 70’s with a slightly hippy and very crafty Mum who spun wool,…

Indigo: A Fiery Lover, A Patient Friend

CultureYesterday I spent the day outside in the rain. It was cold, I was wet, and my…