9 Results
Stefan Burger is a Cacti Chaser
BotanicaStefan is the real, spiky, deal. We chat with him about his cacti hunting adventures in Chile, weird plant adaptations and more.
Marfa, Texas. A Travel Guide
CultureOtis & Otto's Kirsty Davey takes us on a tour of Marfa, Texas!
The Euphorbia Journal
BotanicaThe Euphorbia Journal is a euphorbophile's wet dream. Or thereabouts.
Life Lessons from a Frankincense Tree
Botanica, CultureThe exquisite scent of the desert is borne of hardship
The Great American Desert
CultureWe tour some of America's great deserts with photographer, Claude Harvey.
20 Cheeky Questions: Haarkon
PeopleWe ask Haarkon founders, India and Magnus, our 20 Cheeky Questions!
Almería: How We Made the Desert
CultureA thought-provoking visit to El Arbardinal Botanic Gardens in the Spanish desert.
The Valley of the Cirios
CultureA journey through a valley of very strange plants in Mexico.
Food On The Run: Car Baked Apples
HarvestCreative food duo Gal Dente fire up the Car-B-Q!