
11 Results

Once Upon a Tree War

CultureBede Brennon dives into a complex and venomous debate over weeds and street trees in a quiet country town.

Weeds Might Save the World

CultureWeeds are valuable resources in the age of the Anthropocene.

Kate Wall is a Gardener of Weeds

PeopleWelcome to Kate Wall's weedy world!

Crispy Polenta Squares with sauteed dandelion

HarvestMost people would recognise dandelions from their childhood, picking the yellow flowers and blowing the dried seed…

Recipe: Chickweed & Mallow Salad With Pear, Hazelnuts, & Balsamic Reduction

HarvestChickweed and Mallow are very common weeds in our area of Sydney. They also happen to be…

Recipe: Stinging Nettle Tart with Goat’s Curd & Parsley

HarvestStinging nettles sting. We all know that. They’re also weeds. But, as always, there are two sides…

Recipe: Nasturtium Pesto Linguine

HarvestWeeds. They’re just plants growing in the wrong place. They’re also free and abundant, and (if edible!)…

Seeds, Life & Weeds

CultureEarly last summer my cousin, while roaming the shores of Lake Burley Griffin, discovered a magnificent dandelion.

Diego Bonetto: The Weedy One

PeopleIt’s a hot afternoon in March when I catch the train to an arts centre in western…

A Weedy Kinda Love

CultureMirra Whale is an artist based in Sydney. Obsessed by food and inspired by the natural environment…