#02: Lost

Issue Two explores notions of loss and discovery. Finding the future in the garden, losing plants and their stories, uncovering new ways of seeing the world, and becoming intimate with disappearance. The publication features essays, memoir, poetry and fiction from an eclectic collection of writers, thinkers, gardeners and artists. Wonderground Issue Two is hopeful, heartfelt, provocative and delightful – a salve for our times.

Featured contributors include: Agnes Denes, Marika Duczynski, Elizabeth Farrelly, Nicole Foreshew, David Godshall, Bill Henson, Cecil Howell, Clare James, Neha Kale, Amy Leach, Lille Madden, Michael McCoy, Asad Raza, Georgina Reid, Camille Rouliére, Inga Simpson, Sue Stuart-Smith, Tim Rushby-Smith, David Whitworth, David Whyte.